
Journey to the Wellness Hotel Fährhaus

Here you will find the directions for your journey to the Wellness Hotel Fährhaus

  1. Arriving at the city of Norden, please continue on the B72 in the direction of Norddeich, harbour and islands.
  2. At the first roundabout, take the second exit in the direction of Norddeich and follow the road for another 5 km.
  3. Leave the second roundabout at the second exit in the direction of Norddeich harbour.
  4. After reaching Norddeich, you will pass the Frisia car park.
  5. After the traffic island, please get into the left-hand lane and turn left.
  6. After crossing the railway line, you will have completed your journey to the Wellness Hotel Fährhaus in just a few metres!
  7. Rail travellers please travel to Norddeich Mole. From here it is only a few steps to our hotel. If you wish, we can also pick you up from there.

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